Where Icarus Flies, Episode 13, Don’t call it a comeback…
WhereIF Episode 13 Contents
Episode 13 has been in the works for a long time. Almost ten years! I now know how Meat Loaf must have felt with Bat Out of Hell II: Back Into Hell or Boston with
In any case, it is good to be back in the studio. A lot is going on that needs yet another voice to give social commentary. Well, either that or I just like to hear myself talk!
Let’s Play Catch-Up
There is so much that has happened. Can I cram it all into one little segment? Nope. I won’t even try. I will, however, cover the things that stand out to be some of the more significant happenings in the last ten years. I will also give an update on my own life. A nice fireside chat.
Trump’s New Reality
I, of course, cannot start up again without starting with Trump. Just the way he likes it. However, instead of attacking and complaining, which is easy to do, I’d like to take a look at what is happening right now. The impeachment investigation is in full swing, and subpoenas are being issued and ignored. Let’s look at what that means with an eye on history and some interesting case law setting precedent. I am no legal scholar, nor do I pretend to be one, but I found some interesting things in my amateur research.
Return of The Hoover Report
Our old friend, Joey Hoover, is in the house! Where has he been? What has he been up to? We finally get partial answers to these burning questions!! We also find out who he sets his sights on this week with the latest installation of The Hoover Report!
This podcast uses selected background music by Kevin MacLeod licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license from https://filmmusic.io. Visit him at https://incompetech.com.
New Platforms!!!
I am excited to announce that you can find the Where Icarus Flies podcast on many of the major outlets. Currently, I am on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes), Spotify, TuneIn, Google Play, and Blubrry. You will see the subscribe links in each podcast post as well as the “Where to Find WIF” section of the website. Of course, a search for Where Icarus Flies on each of those platforms will also work.
I will announce more platforms as my network grows.
All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to feedback@whereicarusflies.com
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As I was walking down the street I swear I heard a familiar sound. It tugged at the far reaches of my mind. No, more than a sound. Music. A tune. A jingle. A song. I was not quite sure, but there it was hanging in the air around me. It wrapped around me like a cozy blanket. So safe. So warm. So protecting. So welcoming.
Is it getting louder? I think maybe it is…

Crystal water turns to dark
Where ere it's presence leaves it's mark
And boiling currents pound like drums
When something wicked this way comes…
A presence dark invades the fair
And gives the horses ample scare
Chaos rains and panic fills the air
When something wicked this way comes...
Ill winds mark it's fearsome flight,
And autumn branches creak with fright.
The landscape turns to ashen crumbs,
When something wicked this way comes...
Flowers bloom as black as night
Removing color from your sight
Nightmarish vines block your way
Thorns reach out to catch their prey
And by the pricking of your thumbs
Realize that their poison numbs
From frightful blooms, rank odors seep
Bats & beasties fly & creep
'Cross this evil land, ill winds blow
Despite the darkness, mushrooms glow
All will rot & decompose
For something wicked this way grows.
-- Ray Bradbury
Double, double toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes...
-- Macbeth Act 4, Scene 1
William Shakespeare