
As I was walking down the street I swear I heard a familiar sound. It tugged at the far reaches of my mind. No, more than a sound. Music. A tune. A jingle. A song. I was not quite sure, but there it was hanging in the air around me. It wrapped around me like a cozy blanket. So safe. So warm. So protecting. So welcoming.
Is it getting louder? I think maybe it is…

Crystal water turns to dark
Where ere it's presence leaves it's mark
And boiling currents pound like drums
When something wicked this way comes…
A presence dark invades the fair
And gives the horses ample scare
Chaos rains and panic fills the air
When something wicked this way comes...
Ill winds mark it's fearsome flight,
And autumn branches creak with fright.
The landscape turns to ashen crumbs,
When something wicked this way comes...
Flowers bloom as black as night
Removing color from your sight
Nightmarish vines block your way
Thorns reach out to catch their prey
And by the pricking of your thumbs
Realize that their poison numbs
From frightful blooms, rank odors seep
Bats & beasties fly & creep
'Cross this evil land, ill winds blow
Despite the darkness, mushrooms glow
All will rot & decompose
For something wicked this way grows.
-- Ray Bradbury
Double, double toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes...
-- Macbeth Act 4, Scene 1
William Shakespeare
Well, what started off strong as a podcast a week has turned into nothing more than a linkfarm to my Twitter posts. I really enjoy doing the podcast, yet I procrastinate. Why? I guess it just shows that I don’t have the passion for it right now. I have been out of work for 10 months now and every day I grow more complacent. I need to change that.
I recently found the wonderful musical works of Jonathan Coulton (JoCo for short). He is quite amazing and his website is worth checking out. While I was reading about him, I learned that for a year he posted a new song every week. He called this endeavor “Thing a Week.” I am inspired. I am now going to do something similar. No, I am not going to post a song a week. I have only been self learning guitar for about six months, so I have a long way to go before I worry about music. 😉 So what am I going to do?
The WhereIF Experiment: Part II
I started my podcast as an experiment and a way to learn more about the modality for disseminating information. Yeah, I know, a pretentious way to say, “I wanted to learn how to podcast and understand its world.” I know I only have 10 episodes posted (as of this writing), but I have learned a lot about the podcasting world. Is there more to learn, most certainly, but as far as the mechanics go I am down with that. It helps that I have three years experience as a DJ and a bit of time as a radio newscaster.
So, it is time to bring my experiment to the next level. Whatever that is. My raw plan: post “something” every week for six months. What???? Only six months? What the hell? Why not a year? JoCo did it. Julie Powell did it. What gives??? A year is a freakin’ long time. Honestly, I am not sure I am up for six months, but I’ll give it a try. It took me like eight months to put up 10 podcasts. After four months (so, sometime in September) I will make a decision to commit to another six months or not. Lame? Possibly. Copout? I don’t think so. What is so special about a year? Six months isn’t something to scoff at.
What will that something a week be? Right now, I don’t have a plan for that. My brainstorming is that it will be things like: a podcast episode, original poetry or short stories, animation, comics, possibly tutorials or demos. My intent is to have it something more than just a blog post a week. That would be lame. My intent is to post some original work of some sort that is substantial.
When will I post? Hmmmmmm… I don’t have a commitment for that yet. I was thinking I would shoot for every Tuesday. Possibly I will just post sometime in the week (Sunday through Saturday).
So, there is my idea. It doesn’t really matter what you think about it, since I am doing it anyway. Although, as always, I would love to hear your feedback.
Does the Project Have a Name?
Not officially. “Thing a Week” has already been done. The WhereIF Project could have been cool, but it seems too close to Julie Powell’s. WhereIF a Week? What are your suggestions?
When Does “WhereIF a Week” Begin?
There is no time like the present. It begins this week. Since it is already Tuesday, I better think of something to post fast. So, gotta run…
For a first time podcaster I think he is doing a fine job. This is an enjoyable podcast to listen to with some interesting points of view. Whether you agree with any of the content or not, it is one person’s take on a variety of issues. I definitely enjoy hearing what is instore for every new podcast and can’t wait to see how this evolves. If you only listen to this once, it is something you should try before moving on to another podcast. Even a Yankee fan can enjoy listening to a Red Sox every now and then.
4 stars out of 5
by South of Boston -December 5th, 2009
I have been waiting and waiting and I finally received the first review of my podcast in iTunes. Well, here it is! One review! An empire is built one stone at a time isn’t it? Wow, my first review! Can’t you see this snowballing into a multi-media empire? Howard Stern who? Sirius/XM HERE I COME!!!! Let’s take a look at the timetable:
- October 28, 2009: Where Icarus Flies goes live and my first podcast is posted. Multiple episodes ensue.
- October 30, 2009: First comment on the Where Icarus Flies blog by Kevin Crossman
- November 12, 2009: Joey Hoover joins show on our 3rd episode. Hilarity ensues and we would never be the same again.
- November 13, 2009: Joey gets a “Twittah” account.
- November 18, 2009: WhereIF has it’s first retweet (RT) regarding the podcast by @kevincrossman.
- December 5, 2009: Our first review is posted in iTunes by South of Boston. The positive buzz it generates is incalculable!
- December 11, 2009: Additional iTunes reviews begin poring in!
- December 14, 2009: Where Icarus Flies is top link on Digg and #WhereIF becomes a top Trending Topic on Twitter!
- December 21, 2009: The Where Icarus Flies buzz is felt all over The Net. Where Icarus Flies is featured on ABC KGOTV, Channel 7, 6pm and 11pm newscasts.
- December 22, 2009: NBC KNTV, Channel 11 and FOX KTVU, Channel 2 also have feature stories.
- December 23, 2009: OK Magazine interviews Joey for the January edition.
- December 27, 2009: Where Icarus Flies tops Bing, Yahoo! and Google’s revised top searches for 2009
- December 30, 2009: Bill & Joey appear on NBC’s The Today Show. Joey begins dating Meredith Vieira who leaves her husband of 20+ years, Richard Cohen.
- December 31, 2009: Joey breaks up with Meredith Vieira after he realizes she is not Katie Couric. Bill & Joey become the new hosts of Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve (now called WhereIF Rocks the New Year). Ryan Seacrest is outraged and decides to quit American Idol and live on a mountain in Tibet. Dick Clark doesn’t seem to notice.
- January 4-8, 2010: Bill & Joey make the rounds, appearing on Connan, Leno, Letterman, Kimmel & Fallon.
- January 12, 2010: Bill takes over as the host of American Idol. Joey begins dating Kara Dioguardi, who ends her 7 month marriage to Mike McCuddy.
- January 22, 2010: Joey becomes both a columnist for ESPN’s Page 2 and an anchor for Sports Center.
- January 25, 2010: Joey breaks up with Kara Dioguardi. She dives into deep depression and must be removed form American Idol. Joey takes over as the new 4th judge.
- January 26, 2010: Bill is hired as a voice actor on The Simpsons & Family Guy.
- January 30, 2010: Bill & Joey host SNL. Joey begins dating Kristen Wiig.
- February 2, 2010: Joey breaks up with Kristen Wiig after realizing that she is not Amy Adams.
- February, 4 2010: Bill appears on Larry King and Joey appears on The View. Joey begins dating Elisabeth Hasselbeck who leaves husband Tim Hasselbeck.
- February 7, 2010: Bill & Joey become the new CBS Sports Superbowl booth duo. The game is a dream come true as an improbable Patriots victory over the Saints, 40-34.
- February 8, 2010: Joey breaks up with Elisabeth Hasselbeck after he realizes he broke up a relationship between two BC Eagles.
- February 10, 2010: Joey counsels Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Tim Hasselbeck back together. They thank him with lifetime tickets to The Beanpot in the BC section.
- February 12, 2010: Bill & Joey attend the Olympic Opening Ceremonies in Vancouver, Canada. Bill is given the honor of lighting the Olympic Cauldron!
- February 13, 2010: Bill & Joey are asked to visit the White House and have lunch with the President and First Lady. Joey begins dating Kristen Jarvis (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady).
- February 17, 2010: TMZ posts pictures of Joey with Rachel Uchitel and Nicole Bobek. Scandal ensues after TMZ reports Bobek is on bail for a methamphetamine bust in July. Joey denies any drug involvement. Â Kristen Jarvis stops taking calls from Joey.
- February 20, 2010: Bill and a very emotional Joey Hoover sit with Barbara Walters in a new 90-minute special. Joey clears his name.
- February 25, 2010: Joey appears on Oprah and Bill appears on Ellen. Joey cries a lot and gets a makeover while Bill has fun in a guest chef segment with Ellen.
- March 1, 2010: Bill & Joey enter into discussion with Sirius/XM for a Where Icarus Flies show and channel.
- March 7, 2010: Bill & Joey host the 82nd Academy Awards. Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin are stunned at the last minute change. Highest rated Oscar broadcast in 30 years. Joey begins dating Jennifer Aniston.
- March 10, 2010: Sirius/XM sign Bill & Joey for an undisclosed amount ($120 million).
- March 13. 1010: Joey beats the crap out of Brad Pitt for his treatment of Jennifer. Joey is heard screaming, “Fight Club this bitch!” Brad understands and is sorry. Bill and Joey are brought into the inner circle of Brad Pitt and George Clooney.
- March 20, 2010: Where Icarus Flies goes live on Sirius/XM to overwhelming critical success. Brad Pitt is their first live guest. After the show, Bill & his family, Joey & Jen, Brad & George fly off to Clooney’s estate in Italy. Angelina is pissed she does not get an invite. They all have a great time!
Wow! All of this because of my first review on iTunes! I can’t wait!!!
I would love for you to add a review of my podcast in iTunes.
My first podcast is here! I am just getting used to doing this myself and this is the first podcast I have ever done, so give me a few more before I hit my stride. I have to say, it was a lot of fun making a podcast. I was a DJ for 3 years (back when we actually spun vinyl discs), which means I have a love of listening to my own voice. 😉
What is in this week’s podcast?
I am just getting started, so this one is a bit slower than I plan on my podcasts being. It is a little bit about me, what I am doing and some of what I expect my podcasts to be in the future. I spend some time talking about Halloween and do a selected poetry reading in the Masterworks Theatre segment.
Enhanced podcast vs. “regular” podcast
I am playing around with podcast formats. Until I figure it out, I will offer the more common .mp3 version as well as an enhanced version in the .m4a format. What is the .m4a format? It is a better compression than .mp3 and along with the normal MP3 metadata (ID3 tags) you can add chapters, extra images, URLs and more. Will those extras be useful? I don’t know, we’ll see. Can your music player deal with .m4a? Any modern music player or phone should be able to play .m4a. If you want to try the enhanced version but are having trouble, change the file extension from .m4a to .mp4 (the are exactly the same). M4A is the moniker Apple gave to the standard MP4 files (.mp4 is a better .mp3).
If you just can’t deal with the new format, I have a .mp3 version of the show as well. If you download my podcast from iTunes, it will be in the .m4a format.
Follow me on Twitter
Where Icarus Flies is on Twitter! Really, is there someone who isn’t? I’ll add a Follow Me button to the site soon, in the meantime you can find me here:
Podcast File Info – Episode 1
- Running time: 23 minutes
- MP3 file size: 22MB
- M4A file size: 22.9MB
So, take a listen and let me hear what you have to say. Feel free to post your comments here or shoot me an email.
All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to feedback@whereicarusflies.com
Podcast (podcast-mp3): Play in new window | Download
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-351589a3d2c409864799539e1f6e8e10}
Where Icarus Flies is up and running! It is understandably sparse for now. I am using WordPress and free theme, which I will try not to customize too much. For now, I want to keep site maintenance REALLY simple. In time I will likely switch themes and do a lot more with the site, or it may succumb to virtual rot and general neglect. Only time will tell for sure.
First things first
I want to play around with podcasting and other cool technology. Okay, well, podcasting has been around long enough that it is no longer “cool technology,” but it is for me. So, in the next few days I’ll be figuring out how to setup a Podcast and leave the site very minimalistic.
What is this theme?
For now, I am using a free WordPress Theme called “Gods and Monsters” from Ars Grafik. It seems fitting for now.