Where Icarus Flies, Episode 13, Don’t call it a comeback…
WhereIF Episode 13 Contents
Episode 13 has been in the works for a long time. Almost ten years! I now know how Meat Loaf must have felt with Bat Out of Hell II: Back Into Hell or Boston with
In any case, it is good to be back in the studio. A lot is going on that needs yet another voice to give social commentary. Well, either that or I just like to hear myself talk!
Let’s Play Catch-Up
There is so much that has happened. Can I cram it all into one little segment? Nope. I won’t even try. I will, however, cover the things that stand out to be some of the more significant happenings in the last ten years. I will also give an update on my own life. A nice fireside chat.
Trump’s New Reality
I, of course, cannot start up again without starting with Trump. Just the way he likes it. However, instead of attacking and complaining, which is easy to do, I’d like to take a look at what is happening right now. The impeachment investigation is in full swing, and subpoenas are being issued and ignored. Let’s look at what that means with an eye on history and some interesting case law setting precedent. I am no legal scholar, nor do I pretend to be one, but I found some interesting things in my amateur research.
Return of The Hoover Report
Our old friend, Joey Hoover, is in the house! Where has he been? What has he been up to? We finally get partial answers to these burning questions!! We also find out who he sets his sights on this week with the latest installation of The Hoover Report!
This podcast uses selected background music by Kevin MacLeod licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license from https://filmmusic.io. Visit him at https://incompetech.com.
New Platforms!!!
I am excited to announce that you can find the Where Icarus Flies podcast on many of the major outlets. Currently, I am on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes), Spotify, TuneIn, Google Play, and Blubrry. You will see the subscribe links in each podcast post as well as the “Where to Find WIF” section of the website. Of course, a search for Where Icarus Flies on each of those platforms will also work.
I will announce more platforms as my network grows.
All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to feedback@whereicarusflies.com
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WhereIcarus Flies, Episode 12, the last honest podcast…
WhereIF Episode 12 Contents
Back again! Did you miss me? Did you think I was gone for another 5 months? Well, no such luck!!! Some quick website news. I know that you cannot get enough of my pithy yet thought provoking Twitter musings. So, I have a new section of the website that has archived all of my tweets. The collection is browsable by moth and fully searchable. You may not have asked for it, but you sure got it!!! There is a link on my website or feel free to visit WhereIF’s Tweets now.
That is all I have to say about that… So now, on to this week’s show.
Cheating in Sports
Cheating and sports go hand-in-hand. Is there a difference, however, between working to get a call and breaking the rules? Derek Jeter, poster boy for wholesome goodness, truth, justice and the American Way is being vilified for overacting in a recent game. He did not get hit by a pitch, but he acted as if he did and got the call. Besides hamming it up WAY to much, is he a cheater? What are some other memorable cheating moments in sports history? We’ll take some time to mull it over this week.
Big Brother 12 on CBS
One of my favorite summer guilty pleasures! I do love this show. This summer’s cast could possibly have been the most boring cast in Big Brother history, yet they are not the worst cast ever, in my opinion. What is is whit these reality shows that keep us watching? I spend some time talking about this hit summer show.
iTunes Ping
Is it a social networking platform, a marketing ploy, a useless idea or the next phase in Apple’s media domination? I share my opinions on this new grass roots effort by Apple to become our media control center. I would also love to hear your thoughts on this.
The Hoover Report
Joey Hoover stops by to give us his thoughts on Derek Jeter, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Nikita on the CW and more!
Masterworks Theatre
This week is another special MWT. With my budding guitar skills (well, maybe budding is too strong) I give you my version of “The Boxer” by Simon and Garfunkel.
Podcast File Info – Episode 12
I used an enhanced version of the podcast (.m4a) as the default version in my RSS Feed and on iTunes. If you have any problems with it, let me know (although if you use iTunes, .m4a is not a problem). I have received feedback that some mobile devices have trouble with the enhanced version (yes, that is you Blackberry). You can still get the .mp3 version from the website.
- Running time: 57 minutes
- MP3 file size: 54MB
- M4A file size: 56MB
All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to feedback@whereicarusflies.com
Podcast (podcast-mp3): Play in new window | Download
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Where Icarus Flies, Episode 11, covering topics throughout time and space…
WhereIF Episode 11 Contents
I have returned! It has been a long hiatus, but Joey and I were back at it this past week. I have missed being on the air very much and Joey has been bursting at the seams waiting to get in front of a microphone once again!!! I never thought it would take this long to get to episode 11! As a wise man once said, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You just never know what you are gonna get.” 😉
So let me get right to it and tell you about this week’s podcast…
What Happened to my Job?
I have been out of work for a year. It has taken a steep toll on me, not just financially, but mentally and physically as well. I spend some time this week talking about the toll being unemployed can take on a person. Dealing with the unemployment agency, worrying about paying the bills, being ignored by hiring managers that you interview with. It all adds up. I talk about my own personal experiences.
Has Google Lost its Mojo?
Google has made blunder after blunder of late. Big mistakes such as backing a private internet to messing up the Google News and Google Image Search interfaces. I send some time talking about why I think that Google had jumped the shark.
Doctor Who
You had to have noticed the gorgeous red head above! That is actress Karen Gillian who plays Amelia “Amy” Pond a companion to the eleventh incarnation of The Doctor on BBC’s Sci-Fi institution Doctor Who. This show has been around for the better part of the last 50 years. The latest incarnation of the show began in 2005. I only started watching it again this past January, just as the eleventh doctor took over. The show this past season has blown me away! It is excellent! I have now seen most of the episodes from 2006-2010 (thank goodness for The Interwebs). If you like Science Fiction and have not watched the current series, you are missing out. Matt Smith, who plays the the good doctor, just me the best Doctor Who ever! (Sorry Tom Baker and David Tennant)
The Hoover Report
Joey is back in the studio to give us his unique perspective on society, sports, the entertainment world and current events.
Masterworks Theatre
Masterworks Theatre returns with something a little different. This month I sing and play the guitar. Oh, it is nothing great, I assure you. I only started teaching myself to play at the beginning of the year. I am still very much a hack, but I have fun.
Podcast File Info – Episode 11
I used an enhanced version of the podcast (.m4a) as the default version in my RSS Feed and on iTunes. If you have any problems with it, let me know (although if you use iTunes, .m4a is not a problem). I have received feedback that some mobile devices have trouble with the enhanced version (yes, that is you Blackberry). You can still get the .mp3 version from the website.
- Running time: 57 minutes
- MP3 file size: 54MB
- M4A file size: 56MB
All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to feedback@whereicarusflies.com
Podcast (podcast-mp3): Play in new window | Download
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Where Icarus Flies, Episode 10, trying to educate the masses…
WhereIF Episode 10 Contents
Blog Post Note: It has now been over two months since I last posted a podcast. This podcast was recorded on March 18th, it is not April 28th. Man am I a lame-ass! I just listened to this episode again and wow, my voice was still thrashed due to my bout with H1N1. I sound MUCH better now!!! — Bill
By not posing a podcast in over a month, Where Icarus Flies is in danger of becoming irrelevant. Well, that assumes that we were relevant to begin with. 😉 A lot has happened since Joey and I were last on the air. I joined the 40 club, we went on a trip to Massachusetts, the Vancouver Olympics came and went, I contracted H1N1 and battled the Swine Flu for two weeks, President Obama declared he was not a friend of teachers and Little League Baseball season started. Those are just the major items on the list!
The good news: we are back! My “weekly” podcast may end up becoming a bi-weekly podcast, but I’ll do my best! It is amazing how much life gets in the way! Hey, at least my podcast wasn’t off the air as long as Adam Curry’s!
So, what does WhereIF have in store for you this week? Let’s take a look…
Where Icarus Flies Jambalaya!
Jambalaya is a wonderful Cajun dish of rice with shrimps, chicken, and vegetables. The word Jambalaya most likely comes from the Provençal word  jambalaia, meaning a mish mash. That is what the WhereIF Jambalaya segment is. A mish mash of topics that can sometimes boarder on the spicy! This week I talk about a potential National ID Card, Zurich’s “Fish Lawyer,” and Google vs. the little guy.
Digital Rights Management (DRM)
Digital Rights Management, or DRM for short, is a broad term to indicate one of many possible techniques for restricting the free use and transfer of digital content. The digital content is most commonly a movie, song, game, document (mainly PDFs), audio book or more. The case for DRM is that without a strong system in place to ensure only paying customers can access media, piracy will run rampant and cut drastically into profits for content producers and its distributors. On paper or sitting around a conference room table, this sounds quite reasonable.
In practice DRM does very little to curb piracy and mainly gets in the way of a consumer’s right to enjoy their legally purchased digital content in ways that comply with reasonable fair use guidelines. Although the public face of DRM would have you believe that its sole purpose is to protect the poor copyright holder’s intellectual property, it does little to do so. At they same time DRM proponents argue that the rights of the consumer are paramount. DRM is mainly about use (or more accurately non-use) of the digital content, not about the rights of the consumer.
This week, I spend tome time talking about DRM. Can you guess which side of the debate I am on?
America’s Public Education Fail
I have talked about this before, Public Education in the United States at the K-12 level is an embarrassment. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is a sick joke and President Obama does not have an adequate plan to fix our education woes. Everything about President Obama’s education plan smacks of public pandering. Oh, there are parts that sound good to the general public, but that is only because the general public does not know anything about education. Tying teacher pay and performance rating to test scores is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Especially since the test that are being used are inadequate and our current education standards are not reasonable.
On top of that, President Obama created what can be best described as a secret society to dole out needed money to states in need. The bogus Race to the Top program is a farce. California did not get needed government money because most of the School Districts and Teacher’s Unions in the state would not agree to the out-of-touch, nonsensical mandates of President Obama’s plan. Most everyone remotely knowledgeable about Education will tell you that using standardized tests to identify good vs. bad teachers, is not just a bad idea, it is idiotic!
President Obama and Education Secretary Duncan had no problem showing their true colors when they both supported the firing of all 93 teachers and administrators at a failing Rhode Island School. Proponents of the firing like to paint the picture of an impoverished and helpless student body under the thumb of an evil teacher’s union and a brave and visionary superintendent of schools who would not take it any more. Throwing the fantasy away, we see a school that has a student body that has been below level for a long, long time. A fairly new superintendent who is trying to make a name for herself and and teachers who are shackled down by NCLB and do not know what else to do. Okay, maybe I am painting the picture in reverse, but that is how I see it. The mass firing had nothing to do with helping the kids. It was a hardball negotiation tactic used by the superintendent that now has the teacher’s union back at the table cowering. Oh and the nuclear option of fireing all of the teachers come in spite of a state report written last April that focused on the high school’s reading and writing proficiency, which have gone up 22 percent and 14 percent respectively over the past two years.
Due to President Obama and Secretary Duncan’s support of this draconian move, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers both lambasted the pair. Firing the entire faculty of a school is not a recipe for turning around a struggling school. That plan relies on a magical pool of excellent teachers to spring forth and replace the old teachers. It is a plan that is naïve at best and desperately misguided.
Hoover Report
Joey is in the studio and itching to be back on the air. He takes on sports, pop culture and the St. Patrick’s Day staple: corned beef and cabbage!
Masterworks Theatre
A special Masterwork’s Theatre this week that ties in to my battle with the Swine Flu!
Podcast File Info – Episode 10
I have gone back to making the enhanced version of the podcast (.m4a) the default version in my RSS Feed and on iTunes. If you have any problems with it, let me know (although if you use iTunes, .m4a is not a problem). I have received feedback that some mobile devices have trouble with the enhanced version (yes, that is you Blackberry). You can still get the .mp3 version from the website.
- Running time: 63 minutes
- MP3 file size: 61MB
- M4A file size: 63MB
All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to feedback@whereicarusflies.com
Podcast (podcast-mp3): Play in new window | Download
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Who dat? Who dat? Who dat say dey gonna beat Where Icarus Flies Episode 9? Who dat? Who dat?
WhereIF Episode 9 Contents
Things were dark here in the Where Icarus Flies studio for a couple of weeks. One week was shot due to technology difficulties. Basically, my computer was fried! Thanks to Mac OS X Snow Leopard and my Time Machine backup, it was not hard to get back up-to-speed! If only I hadn’t wasted most of the week trying to diagnose and solve the problem. I should have gone to the backup earlier! Live and learn!
Last week was just plain busy here at the Where Icarus Flies compound! By the time the smoke cleared from the week, it was Sunday morning! Lots of good stuff happened, including our Cub Scout Pack’s Pinewood Derby! One of my favorite jobs as Cubmaster is to be the announcer and race started at the derby! I like to say that I never met a microphone I didn’t like!!!
I also want to wish a big Happy Birthday to my buddy Fred! The big 40!!! Fred, you’ll always be old enough to jam!
Anyway, here is what I have for you this week…
Where Icarus Flies Jambalaya
This is a new segment that I like to say has a lot of ingredients! When it is all boiled up, it hopes to be a savory and possibly spicy dish! I discuss the Super Bowl, the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, the 52nd Grammy Awards, Conan O’Brien and American Idol.
Super Bowl XLIV
For you non Romans out there, that would be Super Bowl 44. The Who Dat Nation vs. The Hoosier Nation. Two power house teams looking to win it all! America is acting like the Saints are the underdogs, but all rational thought should have them being the favorites. Join my discussion within Where Icarus Flies Jambalaya.
Unbreakable Records
Which records cannot be broken? With so many records (both stupid, yes I am talking to you Guinness Book, and honorable) this is a huge topic. I limit the discussion to most the major US sports, although I do mention some Entertainment, Cricket, Tennis and other records as part of the discussion. How can any genuine discussion of this nature not include The Don’s 99.94 Test average? As hard as it was, I choose my Top 5 unbreakable records.
Pete Rose’s All Time Career Hits
As part of the unbreakable records discussion, I talk about some major records that I do not think are untouchable. Pretty much any NFL record, Wilt’s 100 point night, Gretzky’s career point total and Pete Rose’s all time career hits are in my list. I take a closer look at Charlie Hustle’s record and 7 players that have a legitimate shot at surpassing him.
Hoover Report
Joey Hoover reports in on Justice Alito, the NFL, Toyota, Lady Gaga and more! Don’t miss his unique take on the world!
Podcast File Info – Episode 9
I have gone back to making the enhanced version of the podcast (.m4a) the default version in my RSS Feed and on iTunes. If you have any problems with it, let me know (although if you use iTunes, .m4a is not a problem). I have received feedback that some mobile devices have trouble with the enhanced version (yes, that is you Blackberry). You can still get the .mp3 version from the website.
- Running time: 63 minutes
- MP3 file size: 61MB
- M4A file size: 63MB
All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to feedback@whereicarusflies.com
Podcast (podcast-mp3): Play in new window | Download
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Where Icarus Flies Episode 8 is not budging from its original time slot!
WhereIF Episode 8 Contents
Well, it has been an interesting week. The Balloon Boy’s dad went to jail, Earthquakes rock the globe, Tiger Woods looks like he will hide from The Masters, American Idol goes on without Paula, NBC creates yet another mess with The Tonight Show and that is just the start! We have no time to waste let’s get right to it. This is what I have for you this week…
NBC Prime Time/Late Night/Leno/Conan Disaster!
What the hack is going on over at NBC? These are the words, more or less, that have been said over and over this week by all sane individuals. This is a screw-up of major proportions. The battle lines have been drawn, but I think they have been drawn incorrectly. In the last few days, folks have been dividing into Team Leno and Team Conan (a.k.a. Team Coco). This is very unfair to Jay. The war is between Team Conan and Team NBC. Although I am sure that Jay is not innocent, neither is Conan. He helped contribute to this mess as much as anyone else by pushing for The Tonight Show as hard as he has. Don’t get me wrong, he was within his right, but Leno never wanted to leave The Tonight Show. He was forced out.
The bad guy in this tale is, of course, NBC. They created this mess. Is Conan getting screwed? Yes… yes he is. Don’t forget, however, Jay is getting (has already gotten and continues to be) screwed as well. Sure, no one cries for a multimillionaire who has an aircraft hanger full of fancy cars. Still, he is just as much a victim as Conan. I am fans of both Leno and Conan. Unfortunately, NBC has created a situation where only one can stay. Who should it be? You’ll just ha Abrhams ve to listen and find out.
Hollywood and the Current Reboot Fad
What is the difference between a reboot, a remake, a retelling, a retooling, a reinvention and a refresh? Who cares! What we really want are good movies. Done right, with the right franchise at the right time, rewriting the story into a similar, yet new tale can be just what the doctor ordered. Take Star Trek (2009) for example. After 10 movies the Star Trek franchise was tired and worn. That being said, it is still a highly successful franchise that just needed a pick-me-up. There are a lot of things that they could have done, but they chose to rewrite events from a point in the franchise’s past and create an alternate timeline for a new story (fitting for a sci-fi franchise). J.J. Abrams was the right director, he chose a great cast and they had a decent script. It all worked very well and Star Trek is likely to get a Best Picture nomination this year. Could it have flopped? Sure.
Star Trek is not the first success and will not be the last. Batman Begins is another great success story. There have also been horrible failures. I am not just talking about bad remakes, there are lot’s of those. I am talking about movies that were intended to reignite a franchise, but failed. Moves like Godzilla (1998) and Planet of the Apes (2001). I read that Hollywood wants reboot the Teen Wolf and Ghostbuster franchises. Are we really calling it the Teen Wolf franchise? Anyway… are we really that short of good new screenplays? Please say it ain’t so!
“Would you like debit or credit?”
Bank card fees. What are they, why are they, where are they? The answer to this now common everyday question makes a big difference to our economy. I spend some time oversimplifying and demystifying bank transaction fees. I bet you didn’t know that Visa was the schoolyard bully. Come find out why.
The Hoover Report
Joey stops by to give us his take on Kate Gosselin’s new show, the 2010 U.S. Census, Pat Robertson (man, what an idiot) and more.
Masterworks Theatre
We have a very special Masterworks Theatre this week. I give a dramatic reading of part of Conan O’Brien’s statement. Which, I think, will forever be known as The Statement.
Podcast File Info – Episode 8
I have gone back to making the enhanced version of the podcast (.m4a) the default version in my RSS Feed and on iTunes. If you have any problems with it, let me know (although if you use iTunes, .m4a is not a problem). I have received feedback that some mobile devices have trouble with the enhanced version (yes, that is you Blackberry). You can still get the .mp3 version from the website.
- Running time: 58 minutes
- MP3 file size: 56MB
- M4A file size: 58MB
All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to feedback@whereicarusflies.com
Podcast (podcast-mp3): Play in new window | Download
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Where Icarus Flies Episode 7 is full of hope and optimism for the new year ahead!
WhereIF Episode 7 Contents
It has been a month since my last podcast. I can’t believe how quickly time flies! You have also noticed that I have neglected both updating the blog with articles or posting on Twitter. What can I say, I was overwhelmed by the end of 2009 and the first days of 2010! I haven’t even listened to any other podcasts since the beginning of December! I normally listen to the That’s What She Said Podcast with Kevin and Matt, but I haven’t even had time to do that! Excuses, excuses, I know! Anyway, let’s get to what you have in store this week…
Holiday Season Recap
It was craziness at the WhereIF compound this holiday season! I tell you a bit about the close of the year, some of the great Christmas gifts 0f 2009 and what I hope to accomplish in 2010.
Apple TV
Yep, I got an Apple TV! I have been using it for about a month. I give you my review, it’s pros and cons and my impressions of using a 3rd party product called ATV Flash to take Apple TV to the next level!
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
The main topic this week is the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This attempt at education reform is pure garbage! A friend of mine said it best the other day, “NCLB creates nothing more than mediocrity. The high students are not challenged, the low students are not helped and the middle students stay in the middle.” Don’t be fooled by the bogus stats that supporters of this ill conceived legislation throw at you. They have done nothing but manipulate the data. NCLB went into effect in 2003 (although the law was signed by President Bush in January of 2002). There was a larger jump in Math and Reading scores from 2000 to 2003 than from 2003 to 2007 (when NCLB was in effect). You can check out the U.S. Department of Education if you want to verify for yourself.
NCLB just does not work! Education reform cannot be legislated through unrealistic goals and punishment. Teachers are saddled with unrealistic expectations and given no time to get through all of the curriculum let alone be able to stop and help the low students! NCLB punishes teachers and schools who do not meet unrealistic test score results, but does nothing to actually help the students that are not at grade level. Those students are still pushed through the system! Listen in as I give you my thoughts on this debacle.
The Hoover Report
Joey is back from the hiatus revved up and ready to go! This week he gives you his unique insight on Demi Moore, Mariah Carey, Sour Patch kids and more!
Podcast File Info – Episode 7
I have gone back to making the enhanced version of the podcast (.m4a) the default version in my RSS Feed and on iTunes. If you have any problems with it, let me know (although if you use iTunes, .m4a is not a problem). I have received feedback that some mobile devices have trouble with the enhanced version (yes, that is you Blackberry). You can still get the .mp3 version from the website.
- Running time: 56 minutes
- MP3 file size: 52MB
- M4A file size: 50MB
All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to feedback@whereicarusflies.com
Podcast (podcast-mp3): Play in new window | Download
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Where Icarus Flies, Episode 6 is coming at you in full 1080p!
WhereIF – Episode 6 Contents
Joey and I may have been off last week, but we are back with a vengeance this week! We are trying out a new segment called Rapid Fire Hoover. I’ll explain that a little later in this blog post. Next week is the Where Icarus Flies Mailbag! If you have something to say to either Joey or I, send it to feedback@whereicarusflies.com. You could have your message read during the show!
DirectTV HD DVR vs. DirecTV Tivo
I love DirecTV. I have been a loyal customer for years and they have always been good to me. I recently upgraded my service to HD. In the process I had to give up my original standalone Tivo and my DirecTV Tivo. It was hard to let go. The Tivo units are like members of the family! This week I talk about my upgrade experience and how the DirectTV DVR is not as bad as everyone says (at least the HD DVR, anyway).
720p vs. 1080i (and 1080p)
Which is better, 720p, 1080i or 1080p? Are we talking /24, /30 or /60? No, those slashes are not typos. I am reffering to 24 frames per second (fps), 30fps and 60fps. I have done a lot of research this past week and to me it is fairly inconclusive. What I was surprised at is that 1080p is not universally agreed on as better than 720p. Listen in to see what I found out. If you have input, please send it to feedback@whereicarusflies.com or post a comment on the blog.
Cool Gadgets for Christmas
Find out my top seven gadgets for Christmas! I also have an honorable mention list with five more!
Joey Hoover in the House!
Not only do we have the weekly Hoover Report, but a new segment called Rapid Fire Hoover! Listen in and find out what all the buzz is about!
Masterworks Theatre
Masterworks Theatre is back this week just in time for the Holiday Season! This week, I read a great poem: It’s Christmas Time Again.
Podcast File Info – Episode 6
The last two weeks, I have made the enhanced version of the podcast (the .mp4 version) the default in my RSS feed. I am going to change it to the .mp3 version to see if it makes a difference in the number of downloads. You can still get the .mp4 version from my website and from my Atom feed.
- Running time: 52 minutes
- MP3 file size: 52MB
- M4A file size: 50MB
All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to feedback@whereicarusflies.com
Podcast (podcast-mp3): Play in new window | Download
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Where Icarus Flies, Episode 5 is flying high and tight!
WhereIF – Episode 5 Contents
This week’s show was a bit more free form than previous shows. I almost succumbed to my laziness and didn’t record a podcast this week because of the Thanksgiving holiday. How could I do that and let my listeners down? Well, you know I couldn’t! I planned on this week’s show being a short show, targeting 20-25 minutes. Turns out that I am just too damn long winded and we hit the 47 minute mark! I did have a little help from Joey!
I switched back this week to having the enhanced version of the podcast in my main RSS feed and on iTunes. This should be the last week of switching back-and-forth. Next week, I should have enough data that I can commit to making one format my primary format.
Sun-maid Raisin Bread vs. Cinnabon Cinnamon Bread
I love raisin bread and nothing is better than Sun-maid raisin bread. Cinnabon makes cinnamon bread. Could it be better? Find out what I think in this week’s podcast.
Here in the USA we are celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow. A day that has lots of different meanings. In this week’s show I talk about what Thanksgiving means to me and give you some memories that I have from my childhood. Before walking down memory lane, I talk about my top three favorite books of all time!
The Hoover Report
Joey shows his Thanksgiving flair during the Hoover Report this week. Find out what Suuuuuucks this week.
Podcast File Info – Episode 5
The last two weeks, I have made the enhanced version of the podcast (the .mp4 version) the default in my RSS feed. I am going to change it to the .mp3 version to see if it makes a difference in the number of downloads. You can still get the .mp4 version from my website and from my Atom feed.
- Running time: 47 minutes
- MP3 file size: 45MB
- M4A file size: 47MB
All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to feedback@whereicarusflies.com
Podcast (podcast-mp3): Play in new window | Download
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Where Icarus Flies Episode 4 has left the building!
WhereIF – Episode 4 Contents
Well, I think we are slowly settling into our format. A couple small topics, our main discussion, The Hoover Report, Masterworks Theater and possibly a few other bits thrown in. I don’t want to get stagnant, so I’ll still look to mix it up from time to time, but for now a good rhythm is important.
Stargate Universe (SGU)
For Science Fiction fans, this is an excellent new show on SyFy (formally the SciFi Network). I am late in jumping on the bandwagon, and still 5 episodes behind, but after watching the 3 part intro I am happy to report that it is a good show! The acting and writing are good and the plot it a good one (they give a new spin to an oldie but goodie storyline).
V: The Reboot – Episode 3
I spend a couple of minutes giving my impressions of the 3rd episode in the new V:The Reboot series on ABC. I don’t want to spoil the podcast for you, so you’ll just have to listen in to hear what I think! 😉
Website Report
I talk very briefly about WhereIcarusFlies.com and the future of HooverReport.com, a website my good buddy Joey Hoover is planning to launch after the holidays.
Online Information & Your Safety
Should you use online banking? Are you better of never buying items from an online merchant? Is Facebook safe? I talk about information in our online world and how, despite your best efforts, your information is already out there for the taking! In my discussion I mention a good website to look at for tips on keeping your information safe. Although there are many good website that can educate you on this subject, a good place to start is http://www.onguardonline.gov/. I am working on a blog post to go into this topic in more detail, but I don’t expect it to be posted for a few weeks.
Where Icarus Flies has been receiving feedback from real listeners from all over the globe! Who woulda thunk??? Joey Hoover and I read through some feedback that we received about the show. Remember if you would like to contact us with your thoughts, ideas or anything else, send it to feedback@whereicarusflies.com. Maybe next time we will read your note on the show!
The Hoover Report
After the first installment of The Hoover Report last week, the feedback was extremely positive! Andy from Massachusetts writes, “Who the heck is Hoover? Â I was laughing out loud!” Well, we were ecstatic! Joey is back at it again this week with more things “That Suuuuuuck!”
Masterworks Theater
We have a guest performance for Masterworks Theater this week. Listen in and find out who!
Podcast File Info – Episode 4
The last two weeks, I have made the enhanced version of the podcast (the .mp4 version) the default in my RSS feed. I am going to change it to the .mp3 version to see if it makes a difference in the number of downloads. You can still get the .mp4 version from my website and from my Atom feed.
- Running time: 42 minutes
- MP3 file size: 40MB
- M4A file size: 42MB
All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to feedback@whereicarusflies.com
Podcast (podcast-mp3): Play in new window | Download
Podcast: Play in new window | Download