Stargate UniverseWhere Icarus Flies Episode 4 has left the building!

WhereIF – Episode 4 Contents

Well, I think we are slowly settling into our format. A couple small topics, our main discussion, The Hoover Report, Masterworks Theater and possibly a few other bits thrown in. I don’t want to get stagnant, so I’ll still look to mix it up from time to time, but for now a good rhythm is important.

Stargate Universe (SGU)

For Science Fiction fans, this is an excellent new show on SyFy (formally the SciFi Network). I am late in jumping on the bandwagon, and still 5 episodes behind, but after watching the 3 part intro I am happy to report that it is a good show! The acting and writing are good and the plot it a good one (they give a new spin to an oldie but goodie storyline).

V: The Reboot – Episode 3

I spend a couple of minutes giving my impressions of the 3rd episode in the new V:The Reboot series on ABC. I don’t want to spoil the podcast for you, so you’ll just have to listen in to hear what I think! 😉

Website Report

I talk very briefly about and the future of, a website my good buddy Joey Hoover is planning to launch after the holidays.

Online Information & Your Safety

Should you use online banking? Are you better of never buying items from an online merchant? Is Facebook safe? I talk about information in our online world and how, despite your best efforts, your information is already out there for the taking! In my discussion I mention a good website to look at for tips on keeping your information safe. Although there are many good website that can educate you on this subject, a good place to start is I am working on a blog post to go into this topic in more detail, but I don’t expect it to be posted for a few weeks.


Where Icarus Flies has been receiving feedback from real listeners from all over the globe! Who woulda thunk??? Joey Hoover and I read through some feedback that we received about the show. Remember if you would like to contact us with your thoughts, ideas or anything else, send it to Maybe next time we will read your note on the show!

The Hoover Report

After the first installment of The Hoover Report last week, the feedback was extremely positive! Andy from Massachusetts writes, “Who the heck is Hoover?  I was laughing out loud!” Well, we were ecstatic! Joey is back at it again this week with more things “That Suuuuuuck!”

Masterworks Theater

We have a guest performance for Masterworks Theater this week. Listen in and find out who!

Podcast File Info – Episode 4

The last two weeks, I have made the enhanced version of the podcast (the .mp4 version) the default in my RSS feed. I am going to change it to the .mp3 version to see if it makes a difference in the number of downloads. You can still get the .mp4 version from my website and from my Atom feed.

  • Running time: 42 minutes
  • MP3 file size: 40MB
  • M4A file size: 42MB

All show ideas, comments and questions can be sent to



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